The exchange rate is the market price of an exchange-traded commodity, which is defined as the weighted average price of an exchange-traded commodity for all trading sessions held during one trading day, according to the formula:
Pm– is the exchange rate of the exchange-traded commodity;
P – price per unit of the commodity concluded during the trading day of the exchange transaction;
V – is the volume (number of units) of the commodity under the exchange transaction concluded during the trading day;
∑(…) – – the sum of values calculated according to the formula in brackets for all transactions with an exchange-traded commodity concluded during the trading day.
The exchange rate of an exchange-traded commodity is determined inclusive of VAT. If the price of an exchange transaction (in accordance with the terms of its conclusion) does not include VAT, the value of such transaction (P*V) shall be increased by the amount of VAT to calculate the exchange rate.
The exchange rate is calculated to two decimal places in compliance with the rules of mathematical rounding.
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